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thank yous

Special Thanks

Special Thanks to the following

The listed people and or LGS have been a big help in getting us items to help build our collection.  It is with heartfelt thanks to these listed that we want to publicly offer our gratitude for their help.

Hobby Central Delaware, Ohio

Hobby Central Delaware, Ohio

652 W Central Ave, Delaware, OH 43015

This store has helped add memorabilia and cards to our collection. 

Great Lakes Game Emporium

Great Lakes Game Emporium

Rookies Den Clyde, Ohio

Rookies Den Clyde, Ohio

112 S Main St, Clyde, OH 43410

This store started our poster collection giving us old posters and have helped add a great amount of cards

R & S Dyga


51 Broad St.

Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire AB43 9AE

A games store in Scotland that allowed me to acquire some rare memorabilia

John Thomas

John Thomas

A fellow collector that has added to the collection both in memorabilia and knowledge

Harveys Comics

Harveys Comics

Helped me obtain two of my biggest bucket items. My lands station and my neon sign that needs some loving touches but is the crown jewel of the collection.


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